Apr 12, 2013


The one and only real space shuttle, 
which helped the mankind make the big step
and land on the moon.

The original Control Room of NASA in Houston, 
which brought us the historic sentence: 
"Houston we've had a problem."
This was the only room, 
which communicated with the crew in space.
Another interesting fact is that flight operator has always 
the last word and the only that counts. 
So in this room and at the same time  in the whole universe 
his authority even stands over the President of the United States. 
Back in 1969 their computers had 1Mb.
Pretty amazing if you think 
what a usual household computer is capable right now. 
I know people with a Tera who cry they have not enough. 
All the old mechanisms, buttons and computers where put back in 
since it is not in use anymore.

OMEGA is the company, which provided watches for all
the operations, which went to space. 
So if you want a watch which assures you working up there
on your own next space trip, go OMEGA

Can you believe that this big ass thing is filled up
with gasoline and is the part which makes 
all this possible.

In this small area 3 astronauts had to stay for 11 days.
This must have been very hard since there is just a 
6 feet corridor you can get up to 
if you want to move your feet for a bit.

I won't ever complain about a lousy 8 hour flight...

A makeover of how the operation moon went through.
The car you see in the middle is still up there chilling.
So if you have time, the right amount of money, 
a batterie for the vehicle and some friends who would
like to join you on this journey, go and take a ride.
Of course there is always the possibility that some Alien 
has had the same idea and already did it. 

Pretty amazing!!!
Touched the moon!!!
Even if it was only a small peace of it.
Still a great experience...

Living in space. 
The astronauts had magnets under their shoes,
so could actually hold themselves while eating. 
Can be irritating with no gravity.
If I new that a few years before I would tell my mother
every time she was telling me to stand still while dinner
to buy me shoes with magnets underneath :)

Nice bed!!!

Without this machine probably everybody up there 
would have died. Once a day they had to get in there
and take the pressure back into their body and away from
their had. 
A head explosion wouldn't be so nice for the rest. 

A 360 all over view.
If you can recognize anything congrats.
If you don't just visit it on your own.

The space shuttle cockpit from the inside!

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